Dear all, Molly and Mommy move le !
Mommy taken me to stay with 4 ppl : 3 angels and 1 male human. according to the 3 angels, the male human is got many bad habits.. like use ppl thing don wash la, use ppl water don wan refill la.. and etc etc... but so far mommy never experience.. cus mommy owes become the kuli go and help ppl refill the water. to her.. so far still ok.. so.. mommy also hear and no comment...
mommy tell me, is better become the neutral person rather than put the water into the boiling oil..
anyway, i like my new hs. ehem actually is mommy and i de new house... but 1 thing i don like is, i need to stay outside lo.. and many ppl come to my house, and say me very pretty la, adorable la, cute la, and even 'dan sun' also got lol ! the happiest is mommy. cus her room very very the big..
actually mommy had the initial plan to take me into her room de.. but then. mommy a bit scared later hsmate will complain abt my longkai around the house and maybe scare hsmate de fren when they come... and scared hsmate will complain got my smell (dog smell).. then she tell me lo, its better to create peace than silent war... so, altho a bit wai wat, i still will give in.. for the peace of everyone..
see, arent Molly a good dog?